Friday, August 15, 2008


Yeah I know, pretty lame to have yet another section on this account. However, there have been some changes on Yahoo360 lately that Im not fond of. First it started out with them doing away with the Photo area and insisting we go to Flikr or some other account, then it got to the constant bugs that never got fixed in a timely manner (like here in's usually no more than a day or so before a fix is made). After that was the "we're not fixing this as we're gearing for something new" mentality of those running the site. I have to admit understanding that as why would you fix up the place you're in to Tara standards when you're going to be moving right? Just get it so it has some nice curb appeal and a decent look inside so the buyer will be happy. Unfortunately, this has left some very frustrated people on that site. Many dont like any of the other places they've tried and just want their home fixed. Increasing the frustration is the fact that now the site's running exceedingly slow. So slow, infact, that I do believe it was lapped by a lame snail several times over just in the time it took me to load my own account. As such, I've decided that I need to go through some of my old writings and relocate them to this account. Some of you may have seen these already and some havent. In anycase, here they are...

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